It’s been almost a year since I wrote anything… …Here. But, it’s time to talk resolutions again, and I wanted to make sure I got them down again this year. For me, 2024 was a lot, far more than I bargained for, but it was good, even if it was busy. I won’t belabor that point, because this post is about 2025, and, like every year, I have goals. Every year, when I do this, I usually think these things are reasonable, and sometimes more achievable than other years (I knew my 2024 assembly backlog would be a stretch even when I wrote it down), sometimes, even to the extent that I don’t try as hard as I probably should have. This year though, I’m going to still write them down, still track them, and I’ll see how it goes.
With another year behind me, I’m still looking forward, and 2024 has a lot of new things in store. This year I’m doing a couple of different things to capture different elements of what I’m trying to do. As usual, I’m going to have my typical list of goals, and they’re going to follow the usual SMART criteria, with a focus on specific and measurable. In the past, these have been my typical resolutions, with rather few elements of, “I’ll know it when it see it” or “at least one is enough”, but this year, you’ll see this be more clear. Conversely, I will also have some things that don’t meet the SMART criteria – they aren’t specific nor measurable; for these, you won’t see a progress bar, or me necessarily mince words on what it even means explicitly. I’m calling these items “themes” as they aren’t really an achievable goal, so much as ideas that I want to keep in mind and guide some of my activities. We’ll see how that works out and maybe it’ll be something I do again more often.
It’s time to start looking ahead again. With the new year, I’ve got some new resolutions (as well as some old ones making an appearance). Sometimes I wonder why I still do this, but, at the end of the day, I do it because it’s useful to me – not as a way to give me goals, nor to motivate me to better myself, but to track what I’ve been up to. Looking forward to the new year, and looking back to the past year, helps me remember what it is I’ve done, what I’ve sidelined, and what I thought I might do a year ago.
So, it’s with that that, once again, I set some goals, and here they are:
It already seems odd to be looking back, after I’ve already looked forward and set my goals for 2021, but, it’s time to close out 2021 with a look at how I did on my resolutions for last year. As usual, I’ll go through my resolutions one-by-one and see whether I completed them.
This year, my New Year’s posts are going to be a bit out of order, as I haven’t really been spending a lot of time writing. In fact, I just started taking the bus again last week, so we’ll see how that goes. Still, I did make New Year’s Resolutions this year, so I feel like I ought to go over them so I know whether I succeeded or not with them at the end of the year.
Having spent a bit of time looking back, I’m ready to look forward into 2021. This year, I’ve got a whole pile of resolutions that I’m excited about, and even something that’s not a resolution for just this year, but something I’m looking forward to for multiple years to come. I think over the years I’ve well-tuned what I choose to be resolutions and what I choose to just be things I may or may not do over the course of the year, and this year’s list is overall pretty safe. They are things that I’ve planned a bit ahead on, and things that are very achievable this next year without going too far out of my way. On the one hand, I might ask, why bother if it’s not a challenge; on the other hand… …I’m not sure I really need a challenge this year, as there will be plenty going on without anything extra.
With the last blog post of the year, it’s time to go through my resolutions and see how I did. I always find this one interesting, not only to judge how I did, but also to look back at my intentions. Sometimes the two match up, sometimes… …Not as much. As usual though, this is going to be strictly pass/fail based on what I set out to do, whether the intentions match up or not. Continue reading 2020 In Resolutions→
One of my goals this year was to design a game or a mod for an existing game. This year, I decided to get back to poking at Breach: Starship Duels. Right about the time I got my first 3D printer, I discovered Breach and this was the game that really made me say, “Yes, this has to happen”. Over the years, I’ve printed multiple copies of Breach, and this year I decided I was going to print a copy for myself and add the ideas that were bouncing around in my head.
It’s time once again to sit down and think through my resolutions for the next year. I’ve got a few more than normal this year, but most of them are a bit smaller (less combo-goals). There’s a couple that might be a little more difficult to measure, but we’ll see how it goes – It’s going to be the kind of thing that I’ll know it when it see it. Well, enough of the meta-talk, let’s get to it.
Okay – it’s time for the reckoning, taking a look at my resolutions for the year and deciding whether I kept to them or whether they fell through. My reflections here tend to be much more structured that in my previous post as I’m going to be looking specifically at the resolutions I made for the year and giving each a pass/fail – there’s no partial credit on these. With the rules out of the way, here we go: