Today’s Ye Olde Pick of the Day is a song I’ve had stuck in my head the past few days: Amaranth by Nightwish. It’s on their newest album (Dark Passion Play), and has a very catchy chorus. The video is also highly recommended. Lyrics below the break.
At this point, there should be no guessing as to today’s mosaic. As the last of the Eldar Dragon Legends, this one reminds me of a lot of old red dragons (and a little of Dragon Whelp), it’s Vaevictis Asmadi!
Whenever I think of dragons, three attributes come to mind: big, flying, and trample. However, there are only seven such dragons in all of magic (yes, I’m putting a lower bound on what I call big – I’ll let you try to figure out what that is), but today’s elder dragon has all of those attributes: Palladia-Mors.
I finished Howard Bloom’s The Lucifer Principle today, and I must say, it was an enlightening read, even the second time through. The first time I read this book, it was my second year in college, when I had all the time in the world to read. It took me 24 hours to finish. This time, I’ve had far less time, but I also read it more carefully, letting the details sink in, and thinking about them. I also read the impressively long annotated bibliography (a weighty 74 pages in it’s own right), which was also quite rewarding.
As you can probably guess from the title of this post, I’ve gone full-fledged into an Elder Dragon Legend series! Now, you can argue whether I’m really allowed to have a series this early in to posting, but that doesn’t mean I’ll acknowledge such arguments. Today’s Elder Dragon Legend reminds me of the classic color wheel in a big way: Chromium.
I just happened to be looking over my last warhammer post, and realized that my army has changed quite a bit since then. At that point, I was very optimistic about how things were going, though, in looking back, I wasn’t nearly optimistic enough. I now have two armies in the works: Space Wolves and Daemonhunters. I won’t go into quite as much detail this time around, but I felt it was worth noting the status.
Last week I talked about Arcades Sabboth – the general I would have used if I played EDH 15 years ago in my hayday of Magic playing. Today, I thought it would be worth mentioning who I would be most likely to pick if I were to build an EDH deck today: Nicol Bolas.
So, I’ve gotten a bit tired of deleting trackbacks all the time to avoid the annoying spam, so I’ve disabled them entirely. I’m sorry if you would like to trackback to a post, but instead I’d like to encourage you to write a comment and link to your site or blog.
If I were to build a EDH deck 15 years ago when I started playing Magic: The Gathering (not that there was such a thing as EDH back in the day, but bear with me), I would have used this card as my general: Arcades Sabboth.
This week’s card is one that I knew would make a great mosaic from the moment it showed up on as a preview card (and a Mythic Rare) for Shards of Alara: Mayael the Anima.
The very distinct colors and and sharp edges make this piece particularly good for a mosaic, and the beautiful art is total icing on the cake!