Mosaic-a-Week: Chromium

As you can probably guess from the title of this post, I’ve gone full-fledged into an Elder Dragon Legend series! Now, you can argue whether I’m really allowed to have a series this early in to posting, but that doesn’t mean I’ll acknowledge such arguments. Today’s Elder Dragon Legend reminds me of the classic color wheel in a big way: Chromium.

Way back in the day, blue was the king of big, but difficult to figure out creatures, and Chromium is no different in this aspect. While Rampage isn’t all that much of a trick (in fact, the king of rampage was red’s Aerathi Berserker), it really lends itself to being chump-blocked (“My 1/1 Scribbies stop your 9/9 dragon in it’s tracks.”). Unfortunately, trample wouldn’t come around in those colors until Kamigawa and equipment wouldn’t appear until Mirrodin – so, no trample for you, Chromium!

Click on the mosaic for a larger image.

Legal Note: I am making no claim of ownership on the images used in the above mosaic, nor the “goal” image that the mosaic imitates; only the software used to generate them. The images are owned by Wizards of the Coast and are used only because I believe it falls under Fair Use. If you feel that your copyright has been violated, please contact me. Thank you.