Zerkova – Lady of War

I decided recently that I wanted to really spend some time with a single Khador warcaster – learn the strengths, weaknesses, and get a good understanding of the caster’s play style. The eventual goal is to put together a bit of a writeup about what I think of the caster where I can speak with some authority about it. Granted, I’ve got a limited meta, but I still want to give it a go. The warcaster I plan to use for this experiment is Koldun Kommander Zerkova.

This may be a bit of a surprise, since I’ve always run the Butcher a lot, and I’m a noted fan of Karchev, but I chose Zerkova partially because she’s an underutilized caster in the Khador community, and is generally thought to be not very good. I’ll be honest, I’m not a very good Warmachine player, so I don’t think I can turn that impression around, but I wanted to give her a shot just to see what she can do. I also really like Zerkova’s history and personality from the Warmachine flavor – she’s not just a warcaster, she’s also a master of magic, and that’s pretty awesome. Finally, Zerkova is one of the early warcasters I bought, and I really just want to play her more.

This lead me to paint her model – if I am going to be playing with a warcaster exclusively for a while, it behooves me to make sure that model is painted, right? Well, due to flooding, I had the day off, so here are the pictures of my paint job:

Zerkova - 1Zerkova - 2
Zerkova - 3Zerkova - 4Zerkova - 5

If I measure the amount of time it took me to paint, I would have to measure it in episodes of Murder, She Wrote – this took me three episodes. Overall though, I’m pretty happy with how she turned out, and I’ll be happy to field her on the table next time!