Tag Archives: Minecraft

Constructing Minecraft Superstructures

I recently got back into Minecraft, and, of course, the first thing that I started was a project to build a superstructure.  For some, the projects I build are probably not considered “superstructures”, but, for me, they are large enough to require a significant resource investment (more than a chest of dedicated materials) and time investment (a while).

The catch, of course, is mixing my time between building my superstructure and gaining the resources to complete it.  For me, building a superstructure is exceptionally fun – doing the design, determining how much materials will be needed, figuring out logistics (how to get the materials from where they are to where the structure is located), and doing the actual build (including how to avoid dying when the structure is tall enough to kill you with a single fall).  The astute will notice one missing piece…  …The actual mining of materials.

While this is (quite literally) the name of the game, for me, it has always been secondary to the actual crafting.  In particular, as my ideas for the project grow, my motivation for finishing the project drops because the time to get the resources becomes too high.  In the past, my answer to this has been to create the necessary resources or put myself into creative mode to finish – we’ll see what I can accomplish this time around before getting to that point.