Tag Archives: Landlocked Lighthouse

Landlocked Lighthouse

I recently finished reading Landlocked Lighthouse, the recent thriller by Mixi J. Applebottom. Mixi and I have been friends for quite a while, so this one was pretty high on my reading list; when she was offering a free copy for signing up on her newsletter, just as I finished The Martian, it became a no-brainer.

One of my favorite types of horror is what I have described to my friends as “house horror”. As an introvert, my home is where I go to recharge and relax, as a result, stories about people feeling uncomfortable in their homes strikes a particular chord in me that really hits me (House of Leaves comes to mind, and if you remember that I also like epistolary, it was a double-whammy of amazingness). As a result, I love this kind of horror, and while I feel that Landlocked Lighthouse was more thriller and less horror, I still quite enjoyed it. Continue reading Landlocked Lighthouse