My Life According to The Moody Blues

Today, Jonah tagged me in a facebook meme:

“Using only song names from ONE ARTIST, cleverly answer these questions. Pass it on to 20 people you like and include me (presuming I’m someone you like). You can’t use the band I used. Try not to repeat a song title. It’s a lot harder than you think!”

Since I’m not the meme type, I’m not going to pass it on, but I’ll leave anyone who reads this to do the same and let me know!

Continue reading My Life According to The Moody Blues

Post Your General

Ok – Now that I’m done with my series on Elder Dragon Legends, I’m looking for people to tell me what they are using for their EDH general. I’ll take all the suggestions I get and put them into some sort of pseudorandom queue, and do them as I get around to it. Until then, watch this spot for new and exciting mosaics, every week!

Thoughts are stripped of their texture to form words that they might be colored by the mind of another.