My Life According to The Moody Blues

Today, Jonah tagged me in a facebook meme:

“Using only song names from ONE ARTIST, cleverly answer these questions. Pass it on to 20 people you like and include me (presuming I’m someone you like). You can’t use the band I used. Try not to repeat a song title. It’s a lot harder than you think!”

Since I’m not the meme type, I’m not going to pass it on, but I’ll leave anyone who reads this to do the same and let me know!

As you can probably guess, I used The Moody Blues. This seems a bit like cheating, as they have so many good songs (and song titles), but here it goes:

I am a (male or female):
Melancholy Man

I describe myself as:
Dr. Livingston, I Presume

How I feel:
Nice to Be Here

Where I currently live:

If I could go anywhere, I would go to:
The Other Side of Life

My favorite form of transportation:
The Best Way to Travel

My best friend:
Lovely to See You

Me and my best friends are:
Wherever You Are

The weather is like:
Forever Autumn

My favorite time of day:
Twilight Time

If my life was a TV show, it would be called:
Shadows on the Wall

To me, life is:
The Balance

My relationship:
For My Lady

My fear:
Painted Smile

Thought for the day:
Never Blame The Rainbows for the Rain

How I would like to die:
22,000 Days

My soul’s present condition:
Going Nowhere

My motto: