So I missed the house update yesterday, but that doesn’t mean that pictures weren’t taken, it just means that I was asleep and didn’t post them. Today, however, is another day, and pictures demand to be posted!
All posts by The Plaid Mentat
Wait, What? Warhammer!
On Thursday, I played a game of Warhammer with Tim at Karl’s shop. At first, I was quite hesitant, because I got stomped so completely last time, but I put together a list with a lot of troops and hoped for an objective game.
Fireworks on the Table
While I was home for the fourth of July weekend, I managed to get in a couple of games of WARMACHINE with my younger brother. While the rest of the family were watching fireworks on the TV, Will and I were making fireworks on the table in a couple of small death matches: Khador vs. Protectorate of Menoth and Khador vs. Retribution of Scyrah.
House Update #14
This week, we got some more pictures of the evolution of the inside, primarily in the kitchen (as that will probably be the most exciting). Pictures after the jump.
House Update #13
Jessa and I heard this week that our cabinets were complete, and the texture and painting was complete! We were also able to go inside and look around, so we took the chance to measure our windows and start preparing to get blinds in. As usual, pictures after the jump.
Looks like it’s time for round two, eh captain?
This week, I got to play against Tim again in a Khador vs Circle battle. While we only managed to get in one game, the evolution of the game surprised me. I’ll be honest, I nearly surrendered just before everything clicked into place…
Continue reading Looks like it’s time for round two, eh captain?
Guild Wars – Hall of Monuments
As I get excited about Guild Wars 2, I have been playing a bit more of the original Guild Wars. For me, there are quite a few things that I really enjoy about Guild Wars: instancing, heroes, skill hunting – and I’m making some time to do these things because I still enjoy them even as I look forward to Guild Wars 2. Still, I was quite happy recently that I finally got 30 points in my Hall of Monuments.
House Update #12
This week, I bring you better resolution pictures of the outside, and a picture of the inside. Of particular excitement for Jessa and I was the fact that the outside, with the exception of the yard, is, for the most part, done. I’ll try to bring you inside for future pictures, since the outside probably won’t be changing much!
Minecraft Mapmaking
With the Minecraft server being my responsibility, I finally got everything together to start pushing the map to my web server. This was a bit of a task because there are a lot of files, and the whole thing wasn’t small. Luckily, I’ve been making full use of rsync to avoid recopying files that didn’t need it.
Here’s the map! From now on, you can also find it from the minecraft link on the sidebar.
Warmachine vs Hordes
This week I got the chance to do a couple of low-point games of Warmachine as I helped a friend get the hang of the rules. In the second game, Tim wanted a crack at Circle of Orboros, so we did a game of Warmachine vs Hordes – lists and battle summaries to follow.