Looking Forward into 2019

It’s New Year’s Resolutions time, so it’s time for me to put together my new list for 2019.  Some of these will be familiar by now, but I also have some new ones that I hope will make the new year be a little different than the last.

Assembly Backlog

As usual, I plan on tackling my assembly backlog from last year – this list contains all the models I bought last year, with a few wrinkles:

  • I don’t think I’ll assemble my warlord titan this year, so I’m not making that one required.  I want that to be something I can spend some time on, so I’m not sure that it’ll ever necessarily make this list (though I will get it together at some point).
  • There are four Warmachine models (the Man-O-War Strike Tanker, Man-O-War Siege Chariot, Alexia Handmaiden of Death, and Ice Queen Lanyssa) that I bought last year, but haven’t gotten yet.  These are on the list assuming I get them – I’ll cross them off if I don’t.
  • I’ll be running a Warmahordes league this summer which will have custom models – I’ll add that to my resolution when I nail down exactly what those will be because I want to have those models done this year too (they’ll probably end up being some kind of kit-bash).

I’ll continue to do what I did last year – color code the resolution models in orange, then to green when I complete them while new models will be white and turn to teal if I finish them.  That generally helps me grok my backlog both for this resolution and just the general models I have to do.

Organize my eBook Collection

Over the many humble bundles, story bundles, bundles of holding, and PDF-only kickstarters I’ve picked up over the years, I have a ton of e-books.  Some of them, I have nicely organized on my server, with a nice naming convention and organized so that I can find them.  Others…  …I don’t.  So, this year, I want to make sure I have them all on my server and named and organized appropriately.

This one is going to be a bit tricky to measure progress, as I honestly don’t know how many e-books I have from various sources.  I’ll consider this success if I make it through the sources listed above and I don’t have any dangling links in my e-mail.

Play through a Campaign Game

This one is again going to be familiar in that I want to play some of my campaign games.  The goal here is to get through one campaign of a game (either one I own or one I pick up this year).

Medical Visits

Keeping with the tradition of putting which medical professionals I’m going to see this year, I have on my list to see my doctor and my dentist.  I missed seeing my doctor last year, and I would like to get in the habit of doing this every year, so, let’s start this year!

Fitness Walking

This is my exercise resolution, and in this case, I want to do something of an intensity resolution, since I already walk a fair bit as part of my regular exercise regimen.  In this case, my goal is to take at least 104 walks of at least a mile with an average pace of less than 16:30.

This may seem pretty moderate, and it is, but I’ll be seeing what I can accomplish with this this year and take it from there (probably ratcheting it up over the course of the year).  At the very least, I plan on recording my average pace and will post it so I can see if I’m making any progress.


I haven’t typically done a financial goal, but I have a few things I want to try to do this year to improve my financial situation.  They’re all related, so I’m bundling them as one resolution, but they are a bit varied:

  • Pay off my car.
  • Reduce the year-long average of each of my energy bills (power, gas, water) by at least 2%.
    • If I drop one of my energy bills by 5% or more, I’ll give myself a pass on another (i.e. if I reduce my water bill by 5%, but don’t get my gas bill down, I’ll still pass).
  • Bring lunch to work an average of twice a week rather than going out to eat every day.  I’m going to set this to “bring 104 lunches” to make tracking easier – we’ll see how that goes.