Warmahordes League – Game Design 2

If you read my last post on the Warmahordes League, you may have gotten the impression that it didn’t go well.  In fact, the opposite is the case – it went quite well, and had a lot of things that I think worked out for the better.

The biggest help was having a discord server to coordinate from.  Pretty much everyone was on the channel and was able to see the announcements and chat about whatever.  This was a fair bit easier to manage compared to a mailing list, and everyone had easy access to the information.  It was also nice that everyone could post what they painted to the channel, ask rules questions, or just chat about a particularly epic battle, without feeling like they were spamming people’s e-mail.

The other thing that helped administration of the league a lot was having forms for matches and painting submissions.  This made it so that I didn’t have to carry around a note card, then update the spreadsheet when I got the chance and risk missing something.  I got a little bit of pushback from people wanting to actually submit these battle reports, but at least I wasn’t solely responsible for them (and when I was, it was easier for me).

Compared to last year, I also made the league shorter and allowed for two factions rather than restricting everyone to a single faction.  While I did end up losing a couple of people to attrition, I feel like this worked better in keeping people interested throughout the league.  The flip side of this, of course, is that there was less time for people to play with their new character warjacks or warbeasts, and at times the league felt a little rushed.

Overall, I felt that this year was somewhat better than last year in terms of how the league ran.  While I didn’t feel like I exactly hit my goal on the main focus of the league (though, from what I heard, people did still have a lot of fun), a lot of the league ran really smoothly, and I hit all my goals on time.