By this point in the league, my painting ambition was ramping up a bit. The Mad Caps unit was a bit bigger, involved some technique, and used a fuller palette of colors than the last couple of models. Here’s the result:
I was pretty happy with how these came out, especially the flames and, to a lesser extent, the bottles. To get the flames to come out right, I changed up my base coat from a dark brown to a metallic white – this gave the flames something brighter to start with, whichk helped a lot. I then worked outside in, and blended the colors as I went to give the flames a bit more dynamic feel and avoided banding with my limited (3 color) palette.
The bottles were a lot easier in that I simply used a metallic color (green, blue, and purple are what I had handy), but they each took a couple of coats to get the coverage I needed (I kind of wish I had thought of basing them in a different color too!). Once I hit it with my sepia wash, it got a bit of a dirty color, which basically hit my target. I’m not totally convinced it’s a good facsimile for glass, but at least it wasn’t a pain.