More Magnetized Machines

The Kodiak is one of my favorite Khador ‘Jacks, and I’ve always been a bit bummed that I only had one. Sure, I could always buy another, but I recently decided to take a different tack, and bought the bits required to magnetize them to my existing heavy warjack frames. As a bonus, I also finally finished the magnetization of the Decimator/Demolisher/Spriggan kit – pictures after the jump.

Here’s the kodiak (next to my old one that is painted, if you haven’t seen that one yet). I basically scavenged the shoulder pieces from a pair of Marauder arms that I had left-over and attached the Kodiak arms into that. Then, it was a snap to simply magnetize the shoulder socket into the frame like the rest. The head was a bit more work, as I had to file off the back part of the neck to make it fit into the magnetized hole correctly. I also realized, after the fact, that the Kodiak head was a bit larger than the others; I think it looks reasonably good though.

This is the second Khador heavy warjack kit, and I found it to be quite a bit more difficult to magnetize. My first challenge was getting the arms in a reasonable position for all the builds. I really was looking to have the Spriggan’s polearm raised, but it still ended up being a bit too tight to the body for my liking. I liked the other two poses, though, it’s much easier to not screw that up. The heads and the crests were pretty easy as well, so no sweat there. The only other really difficult part was getting the shoulder bits on (the grenade launchers and shoulder cannons). I decided to go with a non-magnetic approach to these by drilling a small hole into the chassis, and gluing a short piece of paper-clip into it. Then, by making a corresponding hole in the shoulder piece, I can swap them out as needed. Looking back at this, I think I am going to have to redo it with magnets, as the shoulder pieces don’t stay on very well.