Tag Archives: Exercise

A Day in the Life: Part 3

This is the last entry in my series on a typical day in my life. The first two parts are here and here. This part will cover my evenings after work.

Evening Time To Get Away

Once I get home, Jessa and I usually discuss dinner – in the same way I imagine very few couples do it:

“What do you want for dinner?”
“Food. What do you want for dinner?”
“What kind of food?”
“Edible food”
“What kind of edible food?”
“Good edible food.”
“Oh, too bad, we don’t have any of that.”

This discussion usually doesn’t last too long before someone folds and we decide what to eat. Once dinner is ready, we settle down for our one hour of television per day – an episode of some show that we like, watched on DVD. We batch watch shows by season, then move on to something else. Our current rotating list is: Criminal Minds, Doctor Who (there’s always more Doctor Who), Leverage, Millennium, or Supernatural. We just recently finished White Collar, and our previous shows have included such things as Death Note, Stargate SG1, Star Trek: The Next Generation, and Warehouse 13 among others. This is Jessa’s and my family time and shared experience together, and gives us things to talk about.

Continue reading A Day in the Life: Part 3

What are my good habits?

After my last post, I started thinking about what my good habits were. I could also write about my bad habits, but I find that bad habits are harder to think about because they can tend to be more subconscious. Also, I want to like writing, so I think I’ll write about my good habits instead.

Below, I’ve compiled some of what I think of as good habits. These are changes that I’ve made in my life that I hope have a net gain. How do I judge this? Well… …It’s completely subjective. It’s whether I think it’s a net gain, and that’s what matters to me right now. Feel free to disagree in the comments.

Continue reading What are my good habits?