
What hunting was like after Supernatural

Where videos from 2002 are difficult to find, videos from Supernatural are nearly too many to sift through.  Still, this one caught my eye as worth posting – now that we have a major network show about hunting that has lasted 11 seasons, what does hunting look like?

So if Hunter: The Reckoning gets a credit card commercial and Supernatural gets a comedy movie, what does that tell you?  I don’t know either.  Maybe that I need to spend more time writing.

What hunting was like before Supernatural

I happened to be looking through some of my old files the other day, and I found these old commercials for the Hunter: The Reckoning game for the X-BOX.

On the one hand, this game came out in 2002 for the XBOX, which makes me think that console generations are a lot more spread out than they seem.  On the other hand, this game came out 14 years ago, which is a bit frightening because the trailers are very hard to find on youtube (in fact, I couldn’t find the judgement one at all).

GMing Again

Whenever I start GMing again, my mind drifts to a simpler time when the following was a good enough hook:

Feeling brave tonight?  How brave!  Brave enough to do battle with hideous monsters, hmmm?  Brave enough to sneak around dank castles in the dark and chance being the next victim?  Of a dragon strike!

Where There’s a Whip, There’s a Way

Last weekend, I watched the three original Hobbit/Lord of the Rings movies, and thoroughly enjoyed myself. In particular (as my wife will attest), I verily squealed with glee when my favorite song, “Where There’s a Whip, There’s a Way” started. Somehow, even though it’s been quite a few years since I have seen Return of the King, I still knew all the words to this song, and knew precisely when to expect it – It’s amazing what sticks with you.