Tag Archives: Painting

Looking Forward into 2016

Just as I looked back at 2015, I am also looking forward into 2016. I’m not really a goals-oriented person, but I wanted to write down some of the things that I want to do in 2016. Of course, life changes, so I’m not sure I can really levee these as expectations of my future self, but they are things that I plan to make time for this year.

Finish a Game Design Project

Last year, I started and completed Ticket to Ride: Iceland. This year, I want to complete another project and get it printed. I have a couple of smaller projects that I have designed from the ground up that I could finally get printed, or, alternately, I may make myself a copy of Dune. In either case, I want to create something cool this year. Continue reading Looking Forward into 2016

Painting Space Ships

It’s been a while since I have done some painting, but I recently had some time off, and a real desire to paint some of my Firestorm Armada ships. I don’t really enjoy painting that much in most cases (I vastly prefer assembling models), but for some reason I enjoy painting my space ships. Part of it is that they are simple enough that I don’t have to worry about getting bogged down in the details. Also, they are not people, which, for me, is a significant bonus. While I haven’t really gotten to painting my tanks in Warhammer 40K, I do enjoy painting my warjacks in Warmachine. In any event, I have pictures.

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