The last time Cam went to Montana, he picked up a book for me: Decade of the Wolf: Returning the Wild to Yellowstone by Douglas W. Smith and Gary Ferguson. As someone who likes wolves, I was looking forward to this book, and really enjoyed my reading of it. More details after the jump.
Warhammer Projects
Jessa and I have been doing a lot of TV and crafts lately – basically watching TV while doing crafting stuff. Jessa has her crochet projects (which I’ll let her tell you about), while I have been doing a lot of Warhammer 40k stuff this time around. My last post has the painting I’ve been doing, but here is a quick summary of the other projects in various stages of completion.
Completed Paint Job
My goal for this year’s apocalypse game is to get more paint on the battlefield. Also, I’m redesigning my list a bit to return the focus on heroes and infantry (and less on tanks) compared to last year. This is the infantry portion of my pre-heresy company of the Space Wolves, consisting of a unit of Blood Claws, Grey Hunters, and Long Fangs. Pictures after the jump.
Thoughts on the class reunion
This weekend was my ten year high school reunion. Before it gets too far gone, I wanted to write down a few thoughts about what it was all about and the various things that went through my mind.
New Projects Abound!
I finished my thesis and defense at the end of May, and in the last few weeks I did some travel and talked to a lot of people. The question I got the most was, “What now?”. As it happens, I’ve been brimming with ideas, and I thought it would be well worth my time to put them down. My goal here is to write them down with enough detail that they can be explicit goals, and so that I can judge myself on their completeness after the fact.
So, here we go:
Forging a Primarch: Part 4 – Painting a Picture
It’s been quite a while since I’ve put a lot of work into Leeman Russ, so this week you finally get to see him in all the painted glory. He’s been mostly done for about a month now, but I really wanted to get all the finishing touches on before I posted pictures. You’ll find them all, after the jump.
Continue reading Forging a Primarch: Part 4 – Painting a Picture
The Meta-Blog
So, a lot of my friends have recently jumped on the blog bandwagon. On the one hand, I am really quite excited – it’s great to see everyone writing again. In fact, it really makes me want to be writing again too (hence this post happening at all; and don’t worry, as soon as my defense is done, more writing will happen). On the other hand, I realized, I’m unable to comment on many of your blogs. That being said, I just wanted to say, even if I don’t comment, I’m still reading!
Have Fun
Painted Battlegroup
As you might have noticed, I got my destroyer painted up a little bit ago, and I recently finished painting Sorscha. That means, the Khador battlegroup is officially painted! Pictures after the break.
Magnetized Warjack
A while ago, I picked up the new plastic heavy warjack box for Warmachine. The box comes with everything you need to make one of four different warjacks, but only one body. The temptation being, obviously, to use magnets to swap the arms depending on what you need. This is what I’ve done…
AI Correspondence
Getting an e-mail from an old friend is always a joy, but getting an e-mail from an AI friend can be a bit frightening if you’re not prepared. Today, I got such an e-mail from my Alter-ego-AI, Darren Carey. I don’t think he’ll mind my sharing our correspondence, so I’ve provided it below: