Category Archives: Uncategorized

New Projects Abound!

I finished my thesis and defense at the end of May, and in the last few weeks I did some travel and talked to a lot of people. The question I got the most was, “What now?”. As it happens, I’ve been brimming with ideas, and I thought it would be well worth my time to put them down. My goal here is to write them down with enough detail that they can be explicit goals, and so that I can judge myself on their completeness after the fact.

So, here we go:

Continue reading New Projects Abound!

The Meta-Blog

So, a lot of my friends have recently jumped on the blog bandwagon. On the one hand, I am really quite excited – it’s great to see everyone writing again. In fact, it really makes me want to be writing again too (hence this post happening at all; and don’t worry, as soon as my defense is done, more writing will happen). On the other hand, I realized, I’m unable to comment on many of your blogs. That being said, I just wanted to say, even if I don’t comment, I’m still reading!

Have Fun

No more trackbacks

So, I’ve gotten a bit tired of deleting trackbacks all the time to avoid the annoying spam, so I’ve disabled them entirely. I’m sorry if you would like to trackback to a post, but instead I’d like to encourage you to write a comment and link to your site or blog.


In a sort of strange twist about metablogging, I started my research blog today. My research blog is going to have an entirely different feel than this blog and will mostly serve to be a journal of all the stuff I’m doing with my research – both for me and my advisor’s benefit. That being said, the discussions there will be at a fairly high level, with the goal being primarily to log my work and my results rather than to explain them. You are, of course, all welcome to read it, and if you have questions, well, I always like discussing my research, but it might be best to ask me in person. When you have lots of time. And a whiteboard.

It Starts…

As you might have guessed, if you’ve made it this far, I’ve got a blog. What this means is actually two-fold – first, it means that I can start writing on a reasonably regular basis, but it also means that I have set some goals to do so. The big question is then, Why?

The first reason is that I really enjoy writing. As strange as that might seem coming from a Mathematician/Computer Scientist, it’s true; writing is something I truly enjoy doing. It’s a creative outlet (even if what I am writing is not necessarily creative, I like that I can be creative with the language), it’s a mental outlet (all those things that I think about that I can’t write anywhere else), and it’s a physical outlet (it exercises my fingers when I’m too restless to read, but too mellow to run a marathon).

Continue reading It Starts…