Category Archives: Pseudorandom

Math Distraction

A short distraction for my math readership:

What is the smallest integer n > 0, for which 9n and 9n+1 have the same number of digits?

This came upon me at work the other day, and while I came up with a solution, I started thinking about other ways one might tackle this problem. So I’m posing it to you, how would you attempt to solve this problem? What about a general solution to find all n that satisfy this critera? I’ll post my solution at some point, but I really want to know how other people would think about it.

Apocalypse Meme

Just in case you thought my blog was on autopilot, just merrily posting mosaics every week, I am still alive, just rather busy. In any event, I was presented with this meme recently, so I thought I would share.

The apocalypse has arrived, and you are accompanied by three people – the main protagonist from the last game you played, last book you read, and last movie you watched, who are you with?

Last Game I Played: Homeworld
Main Protagonist: Karan S’Jet

Last Book I Read: The Hobbit
Main Protagonist: Bilbo Baggins

Last Movie I Watched: The Sting
Main Protagonist: Johnny Hooker

Continue reading Apocalypse Meme

Where There’s a Whip, There’s a Way

Last weekend, I watched the three original Hobbit/Lord of the Rings movies, and thoroughly enjoyed myself. In particular (as my wife will attest), I verily squealed with glee when my favorite song, “Where There’s a Whip, There’s a Way” started. Somehow, even though it’s been quite a few years since I have seen Return of the King, I still knew all the words to this song, and knew precisely when to expect it – It’s amazing what sticks with you.

Sometimes I Get a Good Feeling

This week, work has been extremely busy. But I always find that no matter how busy it is, it always feels good, so I thought I would share:

Don’t be afraid to break out into dance next time you get a good feeling. I promise, I won’t have you tasered and taken to a mental facility. Start writing on the wall, though, and all bets are off.

Switching to WordPress Soon

I’ve been a little lax in my blogging lately, as I have been exploring the recent WordPress release 3.5. I’ve been considering some future directions for my blog, and I think they may be served better by WordPress’s feature set. That’s not to say that PivotX hasn’t been great while I have been using it, but I’m at least going to give it a shot and see what happens. Stay tuned for more news.

Watching Football

This week, I didn’t really feel like writing, as I have been busy with other endeavors. Specifically, I spent a fair amount of time doing family stuff over Thanksgiving week, but also watching the New Eden Open (my version of watching football), as the final weekend looms ahead. I’ve also been considering reactivating my EVE Online account, as internet spaceships always have a draw for me.

The Watch Paradox

I was recently listening to “All We Have Is Now” by Flaming Lips and realized there’s something peculiar about the idea of someone time traveling with a watch. This, in turn, lead me to the following thought experiment: Suppose you had a watch that perfectly recorded the passage of time (hours, days, years, etc.) to whatever precision you wanted. You then travel back in time and give the watch to yourself in the past. Regardless of the fact that the watch itself has no origin, what time does it read?