Category Archives: Gaming

Warmahordes Narrative League – Week 10

Having proved himself in the Pelligan Shards, Adrik now lead his armies South, following the trail of the Trollbloods. The Shards had taken its toll on his magical energies though, so he planned to stop at an old, familiar, graveyard along the way to recharge his power. Adrik would find no respite though, for the Cryx had laid a trap for their old allies… Continue reading Warmahordes Narrative League – Week 10

Adrik, The Forgotten

As part of the Warmachine/Hordes Narrative League that I’m helping to host at The Rogue’s Roost this summer, everyone gets to create a character and write that character’s narrative throughout the league.  My character, Adrik, is one of the Defiers – a group of beings brought forth from Urcaen to wreak havoc on the living.  Each Defier is part myth and part fact, the myth built up from a grim parable of what happens to a man who tries to take a stand against a God.

This, then, is the story of Adrik: Continue reading Adrik, The Forgotten

Warmahordes Narrative League – Week 8

Adrik had slowly been urging the Grymkin toward the Pelligan Shards, as he sensed more than deduced the destination of the enemy forces.  Once there, however, he had to fight hard with the warlocks to venture inside – though the fear of the unknown was the Grymkin’s playground, in the Shards it cut both ways.  In the end, he convinced only two warlocks, the Child and the Dreamer, to follow him inside. Continue reading Warmahordes Narrative League – Week 8

Warmahordes Narrative League – Week 7

With the violence of the flagstone played out, The Dreamer sought out the nearby village of Orin’s Respite, to better understand the stance of the local people.  When they arrived, they found the village burned, the people dead, and the Harbinger of Menoth waiting for them.  It mattered not whether it was the destruction wrought by the flagstone or the wrath of the Harbinger that destroyed the town; the Grymkin needed no excuse to attack their most hated enemy. Continue reading Warmahordes Narrative League – Week 7

Warmahordes Narrative League – Week 6

Now that the alliances had more formally organized, it was once again time to send the Child out.  This time, she would be attacking a nearby vale that was strategically important to the valley.  Before they even had eyes on the valley, she knew there would be resistance; she could feel the presence of one of the cauldron’s chosen.  She also knew that they would be ready, as the enemy could just as certainly feel Adrik… Continue reading Warmahordes Narrative League – Week 6

Warmahordes Narrative League – Week 5

In the chaos following the row at the flagstone, The Child found a contingent of Iosian elves hiding in the ruins nearby.  Not sure whether these may be potential allies for the Grymkin, she proceeded openly.  When she heard the elves form up though and heard their talk of joining up with the Dhunians, her calm façade shattered, and her temper was unleashed. Continue reading Warmahordes Narrative League – Week 5

Warmahordes Narrative League Painting 1

For the Narrative league that we’re running at the shop, there is also a painting component, so I have, of course, been painting up my Grymkin so that I can score the painting points.  However, I’ve primarily been blogging my own narrative battle reports, so I haven’t really had the chance to post my painting accomplishments.  To that end, since we have a bye week built in, I’m going to be posting pictures of all my painted models at once, right after the jump. Continue reading Warmahordes Narrative League Painting 1