Category Archives: Gaming

Riding the (Thunder)wolf

My second major modification project is to build a thunderwolf cavalry model. The thunderwolf cavalry is a new unit introduced in the Space Wolves codex, but Games Workshop currently has no plans (as far as I am aware) to release models for them. There are a handful of ideas on how to make them floating around the web, and, after looking a fair number of them over, I decided I would make an attempt at building my own.

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Warhammer Army Update

I just happened to be looking over my last warhammer post, and realized that my army has changed quite a bit since then. At that point, I was very optimistic about how things were going, though, in looking back, I wasn’t nearly optimistic enough. I now have two armies in the works: Space Wolves and Daemonhunters. I won’t go into quite as much detail this time around, but I felt it was worth noting the status.

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Warhammer Modding Day

Yesterday, I spent a fair amount of time working on my Warhammer army: gluing swords and guns, swapping arms, arranging units, and generally putting my collection of models into a legal army. The upshot of all of this is that, for me at least, I finally feel like my army is coming together, I have a pretty good feel for what I have, and a good idea of what I would like to get. The downside is I’m out of right hands/arms and I still have stuff to do (in particular, that blood claw biker over there missing a right arm).

At any rate, to solidify what I’ve got and what I want to eventually get, here is my annotated army list (full PDF generated by my database to come later).

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Tabula Rasa

So, when I haven’t been working on my research, planning my warhammer army, role-playing, reading, eating, or sleeping, I’ve been playing a bit of Tabula Rasa. For those who missed my post over at Geeky Bastards, I tried Tabula Rasa out a few months back to see check out another non-WoW MMO and really see a bit more of what MMOs had to offer. With Tabula Rasa, I was quite impressed. Here’s a quick rundown of why I think I truly enjoyed this game.

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Dune the Boardgame: Redux

The Dune Board Game is in many ways a very great game and a very true adaptation of the Dune Universe to a board game. Unfortunately, this game has a few flaws, not the least of which is the combat system, and a notable imbalance in the abilities of the various houses. So, if I’ve already made my mind up about this game, why blog about it? And what’s with that “Redux” that I tagged on the end of the title…

…Well, in talking with Ian over Winter break, we’ve decided to take a crack at reworking some of the mechanics, while trying to keep it as true as possible to the Dune Universe.

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