I’ve been thinking about it for quite some time, but I recently made the jump to start a new army, this time in the world of HORDES. It took me a while to figure out precisely which faction I wanted to play, and I finally settled on Circle Orboros.
Last weekend, I got in a couple of Warmachine games, and I wanted to take a moment to document how they went here. The first was Harkevich vs. Reznik (against Cody) and the second was The Butcher vs. Supreme Aptimus Zaal (Ian). Details follow.
I’ve been reading The World’s Best Science Fiction 28 when I get the chance, and the latest story I read, “The Emperor of Mars” was quite a treat. Sure, the plot was a bit predictable (I’m not sure that it wasn’t supposed to be), but it was a real treat for me, as someone who has a soft spot for the Golden Era of Sci-Fi. Spoilers and a short review after the jump.
I’m sure there will be a lot of blogs like this this week, but I wanted to give a quick look at my first impressions of Guild Wars 2. This weekend was the first open beta event, and Jessa and I had one account between us, so I played a Charr Elementalist (Dalgren Crow) and she played a Norn Ranger (Carolina Lee). A couple of pictures and my main likes and dislikes below.
If you’ve been reading the rest of these entries, this part really boils down to getting the physical cards built. In all the prior entries, I talked about how to gather the artwork together, create a template, and finalize the digital copies of the decks. Now, I get down to actually printing and assembling the cards.