All posts by The Plaid Mentat

Watching Football

This week, I didn’t really feel like writing, as I have been busy with other endeavors. Specifically, I spent a fair amount of time doing family stuff over Thanksgiving week, but also watching the New Eden Open (my version of watching football), as the final weekend looms ahead. I’ve also been considering reactivating my EVE Online account, as internet spaceships always have a draw for me.

Strategize All The Things

Some time ago, I wrote a program to generate image mosaics from Magic: The Gathering cards. I eventually got it to a point where I could generate reasonably nice mosaics, but there were a number of places in the code where it became impossible for me to do more interesting things with my solvers. So I recently set out to do a complete code cleanup, to make it easier to do some of those things.

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Reaper – Not What I Expected

While Jessa was away in New Zealand, I decided to watch Reaper. When I initially watched the pilot episode, the show came off as “So dumb it’s funny, with SciFi elements”. While that is certainly part of the fun of the show, I found that I kept watching it due to rather clever writing and interesting plot elements. It was clear to me fairly early on, that this show actually had decent writers.

Not sure that I have a whole lot more to say, except that it was fun.