All posts by The Plaid Mentat

Tokositna Defense Systems

Tokositna Defense Systems is a concept deck like Astudillo Defense Systems, with the notable difference that it uses Sentries instead of Code Gates.  This is actually the deck that I wanted to build with the concept, but Code Gates seemed like a nice warmup, (with Machicolation, click punishment, and lots of End The Run options.)  This deck forgoes a lot of that to accomplish two goals: (a) punish the runner for face checking and (b) use damaging subroutines to make the runner not want to run. Continue reading Tokositna Defense Systems

Astudillo Defense Systems

This is a deck concept I’ve had for a while, but when I first thought of it, there wasn’t really the card volume to pull it off well.  The big idea behind this deck is that it’s a glacier deck with all of the ICE being Code Gates.  In theory, this makes as much as two thirds of the Runner’s Icebreaker draws dead draws because Killers and Fracters are not going to do him or her any good. Continue reading Astudillo Defense Systems

Crucial Conversations

Every year, I try to read something that’s a little more leadership focused so that I can continue to hone my supervisory skills.  This year, I read Crucial Conversations by Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, Ron McMillan and Al Switzler, which was recommended to me by my friend Cam.  Overall, I liked the book, though it does oversell itself in the first chapter (which I find to be an annoying pattern in books from this genre.) Continue reading Crucial Conversations

Hacking Terminal Directive

Once I got the chance to pull out Terminal Directive and start playing it, I noticed that this was less like a campaign game and more like a legacy game.  I’m personally not a fan of legacy games because my preservation instincts are very strong; I don’t like destroying things or making permanent marks on things that can’t be replaced.  So, after our first game, I started strategizing how I might go about preserving the components of Terminal Directive while still making it fun to play.  Don’t worry, there are no story spoilers ahead, though I will be talking about the different kinds of components and how they interact. Continue reading Hacking Terminal Directive


I recently finished reading the Ultimate, Ultimate, Ultimate Mallworld by S. P. Somtow, and I’m very happy I picked up this book.  I may sum it up by saying it’s like Idiocracy mashed up with a parody of 1980s consumerism then launched into space, but I actually found out it was more than that.  Somtow creates here a consistent (if zany) universe that has a lot to say about how we treat history today. Continue reading Mallworld