Last weekend, I got in a couple of Warmachine games, and I wanted to take a moment to document how they went here. The first was Harkevich vs. Reznik (against Cody) and the second was The Butcher vs. Supreme Aptimus Zaal (Ian). Details follow.
Game 1 (35 points)
My list is a pretty fun Harkevich list that I’ve played a few times. I like the synergies, and it has a lot of variety (even if there’s a ton of shooting). If I were to rerun this, I may consider dropping the war dog for a second mortar crew, and dropping the demolisher and decimator for a pair of destroyers. This has a lot of blast, and could be a bit of fun as well.
The game started out well, I was able to pick off the Vanquisher’s flame belcher and a couple of the Wracks. However, I kept running into issues where my Mortar Crew and Gun Crew were out of position and/or range, making them ineffective. I feated the turn that I wanted to charge, but unfortunately the Choir made it impossible to shoot at any of the warjacks, so I had to focus on other targets. It turned out well, though, since my Demolisher had ARM 24 when his warjacks charged which was a particular benefit. The next turn, the Cinerators swung around the warjack line and started making faces at Harkevich. Rather than making faces back, Harkevich went over and took them out to a man with Minister (and some help from the War Dog and Black Ivan). The next turn, Reznik did the same, and Harkevich charged right in… …And failed to kill him. Whoops. Then Reznik took out the War Dog and Harkevich too easily – game lost!
Game 2 (20 points)
This is a new list for me, but a variant on the three Juggernaut list which I have run before (and enjoyed) scaled up to 20 points. I was a little nervous about this list, due to lack of ranged support, but it turned out that Ian wasn’t running much in the ranged arena either, so it was ok. We slowly advanced toward each other, and Beast 09 and my Juggernaut engaging and quickly dispatched the Ancestral Guardians. Once our forces finally met, it was my Kodiak engaged with his Titan Gladiator and the Cyclops, Beast 09 and the Juggernaut against his Cataphracts and Kovaas. On his turn, he threw the Kodiak out of position, and did some heavy damage to the Juggernaut, but everything managed to survive. Feat turn, I had Beast 09 use thresher take out all of his heavy infantry and Kovaas. Then, the Kodiak engaged and threw the Titan Gladiator at Zaal, missing him by a tiny amount (poor rolls on the double-handed throw). He managed to get what was left and take out Beast 09 and advance on the Butcher, but couldn’t get into to deal any damage. In response, I went in for the caster kill and took him out – game win!
So, I’m thinking I would like to keep a record of my games going forward. After these two games, I’ll consider myself at -15 points – 35 points lost, 20 points won.