Warmachine Journeyman – Week 10

After playing a massive two-vs-two game last week, everyone at the shop decided to take a break this week.  Rather than get any games in for the league (or, really, any games in at all), we all just pulled up a chair to the counter shared our favorite music videos and chatted about whatever came to mind.  This was just the thing that I needed to cap my weekend (after the excitement of the week), so it was a very welcome change of pace.

However, just because I didn’t get any gaming in, I did manage to get Brun Cragback and Lug painted – pictures after the jump.




The thing about Brun and Lug that I struggled with was that they would have to fit in with a number of different armies.  I think they will most likely be working with the rest of their dwarven brethren, so then should at least have some amount of burgundy.  This will also make them fit in for my Khador army, which is good as well.  But, I also needed to make them fit in with my Circle Orboros army (they will work for Circle too!), and I hadn’t decided on a paint scheme for my Circle yet.  I painted Brun’s pants hunter green, as that is most likely the color I will use – we’ll see.