Each Sunday for the last few months, my cousin and I have been playing the Lord or the Rings LCG. We are playing in campaign mode where we have been following the events of the Lord of the Rings plot with a different Fellowship of the Ring, and (slightly) different events.
Until just recently, my deck was a purple and blue deck featuring Aragorn, Theoden, and Eowyn; after the splitting of the Fellowship, however, Aragorn became a primary character, so I was forced to choose a new Hero to take his place. At that point, I decided to double-down on Rohan, and chose Erkenbrand to replace Aragorn for the purple slot. At this point, my deck looks like this:
Erkenbrand 1
Theoden 2
Eowyn 4
- Allies
- 2x
- 2x
- 2x Escort from Edoras
- 2x
- 2x Lorien Guide
- 2x Northern Tracker
- 2x The Riddermark’s Finest
- 2x Snowbourn Scout
- 2x Warden of Helm’s Deep
- 2x Westfold Horse-Breaker
- 2x West Road Traveller
- 2x
- Attachments
- 2x Ancient Mathom
- 2x
Celebrian’s Stone
- 2x Dunedain Quest
- 2x The Favor of the Lady
- 2x
- 2x Miruvor
- 2x
Steward of Gondor
- 2x
Sword that was Broken
- 2x Ancient Mathom
- Events
- 2x Astonishing Speed
- 2x Fortune or Fate
- 2x The Galadhrim’s Greeting
- 2x Helm! Helm!
- 2x Strength of Will
- 2x The Three Hunters
- 2x Astonishing Speed
- Side Quests
- Double Back
- Double Back
My deck is primarily based on questing and location control. I usually don’t have a problem questing successfully (unless we end up with three Many Pillared Halls – I’m looking at you Moria), and I have a number of secondary effects for putting quest counters on locations or neutralizing them if they are particularly annoying.
Overall, I really liked the deck under Aragorn, but it doesn’t quite perform as well under Erkenbrand. I primarily chose him to minimize the changes to my deck, but I think that now that we are in Helm’s Deep, I may swap him out for Eomer (splashing my deck to red instead of purple). The biggest loss to the deck with this change is the ability to buff my questing with things like the Celebrian’s Stone and Dunedain Quest. I’ll also have to keep an eye on my resource curve since I’ll lose the Steward of Gondor (which, oddly, I haven’t seen in the last few games).
A question that one might ask about my deck is, “Where are all the horses?” This one has an easy answer – we didn’t have the encounter sets that had any… …So, I have a Rohan deck without any horses. That’s also on my list to improve as I get some more encounter sets. At that point, I’ll also likely be trimming the fat on this deck, and tightening up on the theme of Rohan Questing.