Painting Space Ships

It’s been a while since I have done some painting, but I recently had some time off, and a real desire to paint some of my Firestorm Armada ships. I don’t really enjoy painting that much in most cases (I vastly prefer assembling models), but for some reason I enjoy painting my space ships. Part of it is that they are simple enough that I don’t have to worry about getting bogged down in the details. Also, they are not people, which, for me, is a significant bonus. While I haven’t really gotten to painting my tanks in Warhammer 40K, I do enjoy painting my warjacks in Warmachine. In any event, I have pictures.

Terran Satellite Charter


This is the Terran starter set with the addition of the original carrier. I wanted to paint them simply, and was initially going for the look of the frigates – more white, less blue. It worked well for the small ships since they don’t have a lot of large flat spaces. However, once I got to the cruisers and the carrier (especially), this fell apart, so I decided to just run with the blue.

Veydreth Destroyers

Veydreth Destroyer-1
Veydreth Destroyer-2Veydreth Destroyer-3

I like the original Veydreth models because they had a lot of style, and the destroyers are no exception. While they are only one piece, I really like how they used the absence of material in the design. The colors I am using for Veydreth are dark green, metallic green, and bronze.

Veydreth Gunships

Veydreth Gunship-1
Veydreth Gunship-2Veydreth Gunship-3

While the destroyers were only a single piece, the gunships were seven – that’s a lot considering that most models are 2-3. The funny thing about these ships is that, to start, they look like little motor cycles; once you get their guns on though, that image is almost completely gone.

Aquan Battle Station


The Aquans are my primary faction, and the one with the most painted models – it will be my first completely painted army (when it’s done). I had quite a bit of fun with the panels on this – they were transparent plastic to start. To get the effect I was looking for, I painted the back of the part to make it look like it was glass. I like how this turned out, even if I did have to do quite a few coats since I couldn’t prime it.