My second major modification project is to build a thunderwolf cavalry model. The thunderwolf cavalry is a new unit introduced in the Space Wolves codex, but Games Workshop currently has no plans (as far as I am aware) to release models for them. There are a handful of ideas on how to make them floating around the web, and, after looking a fair number of them over, I decided I would make an attempt at building my own.
The result of my first attempt is below:
I started with the War Wolf from the Privateer Press Hordes line (I seem to be using a lot of Privateer Press stuff in my Warhammer modding lately…). The great thing about starting here is that the model is relatively inexpensive, and is a pretty good looking wolf.
The best thing about this project is that it was relatively simple, and easy to do. Since I hope to make 4-5 more (a squad of 5 + a wolf guard battle leader), this was an important consideration. The war wolf model fit well for this since there was no modification to the wolf (a metal model), and only minor modification to the space marine. First, I had to cut off one of the space wolf legs and reattach it with a slightly wider stance to fit it on the wolf. I may take some green stuff to it at some point to smooth out the crease, but I’m not sure how necessary that will be after painting (suggestions welcome). Then, in attaching the torso, I just had to make him lean forward a bit – the wolf is lifting one of his front legs, which causes his back to tilt slightly. This was a little more tricky – most of the front torsos in the box have bits which prevent the unit from leaning forward! While this marine isn’t holding onto the wolf with either hand (dangerous!), it was an easy enough construction, I may explore other options in the future.
In terms of look and feel, I’m pretty happy with how it turned out so far. There are a couple of things that make it not completely accurate: First, the thunderwolf is supposed to be approximately 8′ tall. The war wolf is just smaller than a space marine model at the waste (though it is taller at the head – see size comparison below), which it my mind puts it closer to the 7′-7.5′ mark. Also, the Space Wolves codex mentions that the tunderwolf is closer in shape to a rhinoceros than a wolf… …Well, I’m ignoring that.

My next goal is actually to get the model for Canis Wolfborn so that I have a little bit more for comparison. Then, painting, and getting more together. More pictures and details as I get them.