Mosaic-a-Week: Arcades Sabboth

If I were to build a EDH deck 15 years ago when I started playing Magic: The Gathering (not that there was such a thing as EDH back in the day, but bear with me), I would have used this card as my general: Arcades Sabboth.

Back then, I played primarily blue, but also a fair share of white and green, so this card (which I had two of, actually) fit my colors well and would have given me the best chance at actually getting together a decent deck. Granted, in early Magic mana fixing was scarce (with the exception of dual lands, which were, at the time, extremely rare), so trying to cast something from a three color deck was more than a little difficult (aside from the fact that two or three colored mana in a casting cost was much more the norm). Still, as a defensive player, a 7/7 flyer that pumps defense is well worth the wait.

Legal Note: I am making no claim of ownership on the images used in the above mosaic, nor the “goal” image that the mosaic imitates; only the software used to generate them. The images are owned by Wizards of the Coast and are used only because I believe it falls under Fair Use. If you feel that your copyright has been violated, please contact me. Thank you.