Warmahordes Narrative League – Week 10

Having proved himself in the Pelligan Shards, Adrik now lead his armies South, following the trail of the Trollbloods. The Shards had taken its toll on his magical energies though, so he planned to stop at an old, familiar, graveyard along the way to recharge his power. Adrik would find no respite though, for the Cryx had laid a trap for their old allies…

Grave Power (75 pts)

Theme: Dark Menagerie
3 free models

  • The Forgotten (28 WBpts)
    • Cage Rager (14 pts)
    • Crabbit (Free!)
    • Crabbit (Free!)
    • Crabbit (Free!)
    • Gorehound (6 pts)
    • Rattler (8 pts)
    • Rattler (8 pts)
    • Rattler (8 pts)
    • Skin and Moans (15 pts)
  • Death Knell (13 pts)
  • Dread Rots (12 pts)
  • Eilish Garrity, the Occultist (5 pts)
  • Glimmer Imp (4 pts)
  • Gremlin Swarm (3 pts)
  • Gremlin Swarm (3 pts)
  • Lady Karianna Rose (4 pts)

Infernal Terror (75 pts)

Theme: Infernal Machines
2 free models

  • Zekhaar, Terror of the East (28 WJpts)
    • Deathripper (6 pts)
    • Harrower (16 pts)
    • Malice (15 pts)
    • Slayer (10 pts)
    • Shrike (6 pts)
  • Mechanithralls (9 pts)
    • Brute Thrall (2 pts)
    • Brute Thrall (2 pts)
    • Brute Thrall (2 pts)
  • Mechanithralls (9 pts)
  • Necrosurgeon & Stitch Thralls (4 pts)
  • Pistol Wraith (Free!)
  • Pistol Wraith (Free!)
  • Ragman (4 pts)
  • Soulhunters (18 pts)

Zekhaar sprung his trap with this thralls coming from multiple angles; they tore apart the Glimmer Imp that was Adrik’s forward scout. Adrik formed up quickly though, with his Rattler massacring the thralls that came in from the side. Meanwhile, his Gorehound took a run at the Soulhunters, exterminating one and disrupting the charge of another. Adrik’s Dread Rots and other beasts spread out along what was clearly becoming the front lines of a far larger battle than expected.

Zekhaar’s warjacks crashed into the infantry line first, tearing into the Dread Rots and engaging the Death Knell and Rattler backing them. Meanwhile, the Soulhunters and thralls assaulted the Skin and Moans and Cage Rager; the beasts felt the sting of the mob, but suffered little real damage. Even as Adrik’s beasts held though, a pair of Pistol Wraiths on a nearby hill made sure they couldn’t easily retaliate by freezing the beasts with their ghostly projectiles.

Adrik’s counter attack still failed to penetrate the morass of thralls, but his own army continued to hold strong against their attacks. This was a problem for Adrik though, as Zekhaar’s strategy was more focused on taking Adrik out directly. Adrik saw the attack coming as the Harrower broke through the line and took the kill shot, right at him.

Were it not for his trusty Crabbit, Adrik would have been felled by the shot, but he knew it was time to cede the field. He sank into the ground, drawing strength from the dead, and waited for his enemy to move on. When they finally did leave to continue their own mission, he rose and brought forth his beasts. He would not have the respite he needed, but instead was forced to hurry to catch up with the trolls’ march…