Warmahordes Narrative League – Week 7

With the violence of the flagstone played out, The Dreamer sought out the nearby village of Orin’s Respite, to better understand the stance of the local people.  When they arrived, they found the village burned, the people dead, and the Harbinger of Menoth waiting for them.  It mattered not whether it was the destruction wrought by the flagstone or the wrath of the Harbinger that destroyed the town; the Grymkin needed no excuse to attack their most hated enemy.

Dreams of Terror (35 pts)

  • The Dreamer (28 WBpts)
    • Frightmare (9 pts)
    • Gorehound (6 pts)
    • Skin and Moans (15 pts)
  • Adrik, the Forsaken (5 pts)
    • Rattler (8 pts)
  • 2x Cask Imps (1 pt)
  • Dread Rots (7 pts)
  • Twilight Sisters (7 pts)
  • Witchwood (5 pts)

The Harbinger’s Sacrifice (34 pts)

  • The Harbinger of Menoth (24 WJpts)
    • Devout (9 pts)
    • Reckoner (16 pts)
    • Vigilant (9 pts)
  • Rosaleen Hartcliff (5 pts)
  • Exemplar Cinerators (10 pts)
  • Visgoth Juviah Rhoven & Honor Guard (9 pts)

As the Cask Imps neared the Harbinger’s line, they became the first targets of her men.  The Cinerators easily dispatched the first, while Visgoth Juviah destroyed the second, and used the opportunity to cast a spell at the Dreamer’s nearby Frightmare.  The Dreamer called out to one of Juviah’s honor guard then, commanding him to join her in the dream.  He obeyed, and lashed out against his fellow guard as though he was a demon brought forth from his night terrors.

Adrik acted next, bringing a graveling back into the world to fight by his side.  He also sent his Rattler to attack the now exposed Visgoth, tearing him and his guard limb from limb.  Empowered by the corpses of the dead villagers, the Skin and Moans acted next charging at the Exemplar line.  While The Harbinger sacrificed much of herself to keep them alive, the continuous strikes of the beast wore her down, and the first of three fell at the end of his assault.  It was the Dread Rots though, that finished the deed, taking the corpse of the fallen paladins and adding them to their bags of rotting flesh.

The Harbinger’s counterattack began with her Devout rushing out against the Gorehound, trying to bring the beast down.  Simultaneously, the Vigilant, who was protecting the Harbinger, slammed into the Frightare, knocking it away from the Dreamer and providing an opening to the Reckoner.  Unfortunately, the Gorehound managed to survive the Devout’s attacks and it took both the Reckoner and Devout to finally bring it down.

The Harbinger was wide open then, and so the Dreamer’s beasts came in hard and fast to bring her down.  She had one last trick, however, and that was to complete the sanctification of the chapel upon whose ruins she stood.  The Grymkin could not touch her there, and so were forced to move on to the next village, to find out more of the fate of the local populous.