The Darkling Wind

In reading the Chronicles of the High Inquest, I always end up looking up this image at various points during my read through.

Darkling Wind 1
Darkling Wind 2

Even though it doesn’t appear until nearly the end of The Darkling Wind, it contains so much information about the interactions between the characters in their mythic roles, that it’s hard to ignore.

Outside of the context of reading the books, I also really like this image because it compresses so much into so little space.  Whenever I feel like remembering what the Chronicles of the High Inquest is about, I just pull out this picture.  I can just look at it for hours and recall snippets of the story.  Each line and character helps me remember some event or ideal that is represented in the series.  In this way, it acts like the  decryption key needed to extract the story as it is stored in my mind.

Finally, I see this image as exceptionally powerful.  For me, the design itself marks aspects of my own life, relationships, and personal journey.  Not explicitly, per se (in the sense that particular people in my life are represented by particular inquestors on the diagram), but as different absolutes that are present in my life and how they relate to where I was, where I am, and where I am going.